Author: Matt Pepper

The real asset is the value you deliver to your community

Most people think the money is in the size of your email list or number of Facebook fans and Twitter followers. However, that’s not true at all. You could have an enormous number of subscribers…

Presentation: How Tennis Coaches Can Leverage The Internet

A recent presentation made to tennis coaches in Adelaide about how they can better leverage the internet to grow their business using content marketing.

“The Newsroom Strategy” for Content Marketing

Both your existing customers and prospects are often bombarded by the media with inaccurate or misleading information about your industry’s news. That offers you an opportunity to step in and report on the news from…

Where do I get ideas for my content marketing

Many businesses set aside a time for content marketing each week but then waste valuable time and energy trying to come up with ideas for a blog post, podcast or video. In many cases, it…