“The Newsroom Strategy” for Content Marketing

Both your existing customers and prospects are often bombarded by the media with inaccurate or misleading information about your industry’s news. That offers you an opportunity to step in and report on the news from your own point of view as part of your content marketing strategy.

The Newsroom Strategy presents your existing customers with updates from someone they know and trust without them having to spend lots of time consuming all the articles or reading industry publications. Today’s customer is less confident than ever about his or her decision making and is more likely to follow a source they trust. By summarising what’s important, you do the heavy lifting and demonstrate that you are up to date with industry trends.

News updates create a recurring theme which is perfect for building and maintaining email lists. It allows you permission to keep contacting your database, because you are providing them with value in the form of news. At the same time other marketers will shoot themselves in the foot by contacting their database only when they have something to sell – which results in their emails being overlooked, or even marked as spam by someone who initially subscribed.

An easy way to start off is link to relevant articles published by others but include your own comment explaining your take. This is commonly called “content curation” and takes minimal time and effort on social media. The pro step is to create your own branded story that will sit on your own website under “news” or “blog”. Essentially, your website is now an online newspaper that reports on news relevant to your product/service and target audience.

When people find your article (could be through social media sharing, email forwarding, clicking a link from a partner or by visiting your website directly through a mention on a podcast or offline word of mouth) they will come back to your website – where they can naturally find out more about what you sell

Over time, The Newsroom Strategy will position you and your business as a recognised expert in your field and provide you with an ever growing number of highly targeted website visitors.