responsive search ads offer flexible combos to test your ads fast

Test Ads Quickly with Responsive Search Ads

Google Responsive Search Ads (RSA) allow advertisers to test multiple headlines (up to 15) and descriptions (up to 4) in the one Ad, making it their most flexible ad type.

Google’s Machine Learning technology then picks the right message for the right prospect by adapting your ad’s content to more closely match potential customers’ search terms. The ad will also automatically adapt between different device widths and continue to show ad group extensions.

If there are certain keywords you want to make sure are shown each time you can ‘pin’ that headline or description to the top (just bear in mind this will limit Google’s variant testing). 15 different headlines and 4 different descriptions will result in over 40,000 different variations.

Responsive search ads may improve your campaign’s performance as it will start to favour the best performing headling/description combinations. Google stating RSA have a 5 – 15% higher click through rate compared to standard search ads.

Aim to test one RSA per in addition to 2 expanded search ads per ad group.