Third Party Platforms Vs Your Own Website

Sometimes there is a fine line between using third party platforms (Eg – Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram) and your own website to promote your brand.

Many businesses place their absolute best content on platforms they do not control – and then experience significant drops in both website traffic, enquiries and revenue when that platform changes their structure, algorithms or simply becomes less popular.

Effectively, you are renting space from someone else who is not always focused on their best interests. For instance, a social media channel may reduce your brand’s organic reach to encourage advertising spend.

Where possible try to use your website as a “content hub” and use social channels to syndicate your blog content, which then drives people back to your own site.

That way you are no longer dependent on others, and you can simply change the platforms you use for syndication depending on the current landscape or what best suits your message.

Here is an article I wrote last year for Inside Small Business that expands on this concept: