Author: Matt Pepper

Consumers respect authenticity

Potential customers would prefer if you tell them the truth and be authentic. Of course they want quality, good service and value for money but more than ever they want to know if the individual…

Third Party Platforms Vs Your Own Website

Sometimes there is a fine line between using third party platforms (Eg – Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram) and your own website to promote your brand. Many businesses place their absolute best content on platforms they…

How to get your content consumed when starting out

If you have just started with content marketing, one of the hardest parts is actually getting people to consume your material – especially if you don’t have an existing customer base. A proven strategy to…

Creating regular content to deliver value

Creating content about your industry or subject matter allows you to build relationships and trust with people who follow you, like your customers and prospects. Regular content allows you to communicate with your followers as…